Design Decisions

Table X. Architectural decisions

Architectural decisions Motivation Implications Judgement Status
Usage of the rdflib.js This library allows us to manage the Solid services, so it is quite usefull in our proyect. Adapting the the services of the app to work with this library. This library is quite complex to understand but it can provide the necessary tools to manage all the implementation requirements regarding the development of functions interacting with the SOLID PODs. With all of this, we are able to access the model through a service without breaking the architecture. DM
Application of the MVC pattern By applying this pattern, it makes our application much clearer and easier to scale and modify, as well as separating its different modules. Requires to separate the Model, View and Control functionality. In the paper this architectural pattern looks so good used with AngularJS, but it forces us to maintain a very good organization. For example, we cannot mix services with presentation aspects so we have to be careful to keep the code maintainable and scalable at its maximum. DM

DM : Decision made. AD : Awaiting decision. AI : Awaiting information.

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